Serving Teams
When you start Serving at Grace Church. You are not just another “volunteer” you are an important part of our team.
You make the difference.
None of this is possible without the body of Christ working together.
We are so glad you are here and have taken the step to use your gifts and skills to set the stage for God to work.
Welcome Team
On the Welcome Team, you’ll be a part of creating a comfortable environment for our guests so they can be open to hearing the truth of God’s Word. You are truly influencing environments where life change happens. Our hope is that you will grow as a follower of Christ and build relationships and community as you serve the local church.
Cafe Team
The cafe team welcomes every guest who approaches the coffee & Cafe area and assists them as needed. They Consistently provide the drinks and snacks in a neat, well-presented area.
They do a fantastic job maintaining the cleanliness and presentation of the Coffee & Cafe area as well as seating areas throughout.
Parking Team
Greets guests by smiling and attempting to genuinely connect with them through their windshield. Clearly direct guests to available parking spots and into the building.
Parking Team members should wear vests and use handheld signs on the street.
Worship Team
The goal of this team is to Provide worship music, scripture, prayer, to help people enter the presence of God through worship experiences. This team helps throughout the week Prepare music, scripture and be in prayer for weekly worship services and worship events.
SKILLS NEEDED: Meet regularly for rehearsals, planning meetings, etc. Review music ahead of group rehearsals to be prepared. Check ego at the door. Video & Tech Skills for team members in the booth. Musical experience and/or training necessary for vocalists and musicians, vocalists must be able to match pitch, heart to use voice or instrument to edify others
Next Steps Team
Welcome guests who approach the Next Steps area. Assist new guests by answering questions or walking with them to tour different areas of the church or help them in taking their Next Steps. Have knowledge of each ministry area including ages and locations for student and kid ministries.
Usher Team
Be proactive! Actively look for guests to assist and politely inform them that you have seats for them. Maintain positive body language (keep your back to the stage, smile, make eye contact)
Quietly move to the back of the auditorium at the end of the service to participate in identifying and celebrating salvation. Then, prepare to facilitate passing buckets to receive an offering.
Security Team
These individuals have the skills and understanding of what it takes to keep our church safe and secure. We encourage these individuals to have a background as retired or current law enforcement, firefighter, security officer, military, or other safety/security role is desired.
If you have the heart and the skills to protect and to serve, we invite you to be part of our Security Team.
Grace Kids Team
Our ministry goal to connect kids to create a partnership with parents to help kids find and follow Jesus. Here's a quick look at how you can teach and connect in Grace Kids:
NURSERY- Create a safe and loving environment for babies and begin the partnership between parents and Grace Church.
SMALL GROUP LEADERS- Invest in a small group of kids and help lead them to the purpose God has for their lives by partnering with their parents.
CHECK IN TEAM- Set the culture of relationships and safety as soon as families arrive.
Grace Students Team
Our Goal is to help students Belong even before they believe. The goal of this team to help lead High Schoolers into a growing, life-long relationship with Jesus Christ through games, teaching and small groups. Student leaders meet with students at youth group on Wednesday nights & Sunday mornings. We play games, listen to a message, and share a time of small group discussions. High School leaders will be expected to faithfully attend youth group nights and events. They will also be encouraged to build relationships with students outside of youth activities.